1939: Ferris Grocery plans to move into new building
May 9, 1929
WYNOT — Thomas Brewer, of near Wynot, is now $64 richer and there are 32 fewer coyotes in Cedar County than there were a week ago.
May 9, 1929
WYNOT — A. H. Pinkelman is building a new house on his farm two miles west of Wynot.
May 11, 1939
HARTINGTON — Frank Ferris, who owns the local grocery store in town, has announced that he will be moving into a new building on Washington Avenue, which is currently owned by Clarence E. Haley.
May 11, 1939
HARTINGTON — Two new teachers have been added to the staff at Hartington Public. Miss Grace Woerman, Oakland, will teach fifth grade and Mary Elizabeth Walling, Fremont, will teach first grade.
May 11, 1939
HARTINGTON — Preliminary work on the $18,000 three-block paving project located on Seventh Street is quickly moving forward.
May 11, 1944
HARTINGTON — Harland Jacob, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jacob who live west of town, was recently named as the recipient of a Regent’s Scholarship to the University of Nebraska.