Dr. Tellesen dies in car crash on his way to Lincoln
May 9, 1934
HARTINGTON — Directors of the newly reorganized Hartington Chamber of Commerce Friday night elected B. Ready, local lawyer, as its new President. Other officers are George Best, vice president; Raymond W. McNamara, secretary; and E.W. Rossiter, treasurer. The new Chamber of Commerce was organized Thursday at a meeting of businessmen and local residentsto provide an all-community association for promotion of business and civic interests.
May 9, 1934
HARTINGTON — Rev. Harry Gregorson, pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Hartington since 1929, announced his resignation to accept the pastorate at First English Lutheran Church in Marshall, Minn.
May 9, 1934
WYNOT — Dr. C.C. Tellesen, 57, Wynot, was killed and four Wynot school girls and their teacher were injured when a truck crashed head-on into their car a few miles out of Lincoln Friday. Dr. Tellesen was driving the group to Lincoln for the State Music Contest on Saturday. Miss Irma Killer, 26, Wynot teacher, suffered a fractured arm. Irene Harris, 14, foster daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lauritzen, Wynot, had several teeth knocked out and suffered bruises and severe cuts. Dorothy Jones, 15, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jones, Wynot, suffered a fractured skull, but it was not considered to be a serious injury. Josephine Peters, 18, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Peters, Wynot, suffered severe cuts on her face and neck and had several teeth knocked out. Velma Jones, 18, Wynot, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Jones, Wynot, suffered facial cuts and bruises.
All are recovering satisfactorily and the last of the group is expected to return to Wynot this week. Frank L. Petersen, 65, Valparasio, driver of the truck, died in a Lincoln hospital Saturday night.