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Cedar County 4-H youth participate in Public Speaking Contest

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HARTINGTON — Eighteen 4-H members were awarded ribbons at the 2018 Cedar County 4-H Public Speaking Contest, held April 2 at the Hartington Senior Citizens Center. Participants were able to present a speech and record a PSA.

Speeches were presented in five speech divisions: Clover Kid, Novice, Intermediate, Junior, and Senior. Clover Kids (youth ages 5-7) participated in a non-competitive fashion by reciting a poem or short story.

In the Novice division speakers (first time 4-H speech members ages 8-11) recited a poem or told a story. Junior (8-10 year olds), Intermediate (11-13 year olds), and Senior division (14-18 year olds) speakers were required to prepare an original speech about 4-H.

The top speakers in the Junior, Intermediate, and Senior divisions will represent the county at the Regional 4-H Public Speaking Contest to be held in Wayne May 24.



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