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Grant will provide band instruments for some HNS students

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HARTINGTON — I want to express my gratitude to the Nielsen Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors for donating the amount of $26,460 for the purpose of providing band instruments to low-income students, said Mrs. Hahne, Hartington-Newcastle Public School music teacher.

With the grant money, Hartington-Newcastle Public School was able to purchase nine instruments for the public school. HNPS purchased a set of four Timpani which Henry Folkers is standing behind. Caleb Heimes is standing in front of a concert bass drum with the new suspended concert bass drum to be arriving soon. Sitting from left to right, Dylan Heikes, Brody Dickes, and Merrick Folkers are holding three three-quarter size Jupiter tubas. To the far right, Willa Sage is standing behind the vibraphone. HNPS is incredibly grateful for this opportunity to fund the larger instruments of the instrumental music program by utilizing the money from the Nielsen Foundation.

“This grant helps our school budget to replace the much smaller instruments of the HNPS band program and relieves much of the burden of the cost to provide the larger instruments,” said Hahne.

Standing by the HNPS banner are musicians, Haleigh Lammers and Harper Folkers. Hahne also said this was an amazing opportunity for the school as these are instruments which we can utilize while hosting the new GNAC conference honor band and District Music Contest in the near future.