Weather Watchers Wanted
NeRAIN is a network of volunteers who report rainfall from across the state of Nebraska.
Help make an impact: Accurate rain, snow, and hail data are important to many Nebraska residents. Local citizens can help gather vital data about precipitation and local storm events that are not available from any other source with minimal effort.
NeRAIN volunteers receive a high-quality backyard rain gauge and report precipitation through the NeRAIN website. The Lewis and Clark Natural Resources District (LCNRD) provides training. Volunteers agree to transmit precipitation daily reports via the internet to the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources where climate analysts process data and prepare detailed Environmental Trust.
If you are interested in volunteering to collect and provide rainfall information to NeRAIN contact LCNRD at 402-254-6758 or
maps showing rainfall patterns. NeRAIN data supplements information from the National Weather Service and improves daily decisionmaking information for agriculture, industry, utility providers, insurance companies, resource managers, and educators. NeRAIN information is updated daily and available for public access at https:// Funding for NeRAIN comes from all 23 participating Natural Resources Districts, the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources, and the Nebraska