Hartington FFA Chapter participates in Livestock Judging contest
NORFOLK — The Hartington Newcastle FFA Chapter traveled to Northeast Community College,, Norfolk, Jan. 23 to compete at the FFA District Livestock Judging competition. Eighteen students took to the challenge to judge eight classes of beef, sheep, goats, and swine.
The Senior division had to present three sets of oral reasons, where the Junior division only had to do one.
Junior division placed fifth as a team, securing their place to state in April in Lincoln, with Gabe Reyes and Breah Steffen receiving purple ribbons; Cris Kneifl, Quinn Hochstein, and William Feilmeier receiving red ribbons. Other members included Jason Heimes, Colton Cavanaugh, Henry Zimmerman, Autumn Kathol, and Mason Thoene.
Senior division placed 12th as a team, with Ava Noecker taking a purple ribbon, Claire Rolfes blue ribbon, and Tessa Haahr red ribbon; other members included Matthew Loecker, Grayden Hochstein, Karli Bruning, James Pick, and Karsan Albers.