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Coleridge Am. Legion, Auxiliary hold August meeting

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COLERIDGE — The American Legion Post #114 and its Auxiliary Unit #114 held their monthly meeting Aug. 5 at the Coleridge Community Building. The units jointly recited the Pledge of Allegiance and then they separated and held their monthly meetings.

Vice President Jacie Burbach called the meeting to order. Vice President J. Burbach said a prayer followed by a moment of silence in memory of our departed. Secretary Brenda Lage called the role with four members responding. She also read the minutes of the June meeting, which were approved as read. The treasurer report was given and approved with a motion by R. Polak and second by W. Durham.

There will be no meeting in September. Girl State and Boy State representatives will be at the October meeting to give a presentation on their experience at Girls and Boys State that was held in June.

The next meeting will be Oct. 7.

Brenda Lage