Cedar invited to celebrate 4-H Month
February is Nebraska’s 4-H Month!
HARTINGTON — Each year, Nebraska 4-H observes February as Nebraska 4-H Month. This is an opportunity to celebrate 4-H locally, recruit new members and volunteers, and have fun.
Nebraska 4-H strives to help young people achieve their greatest potential by introducing highquality youth development experiences into the lives of Nebraska youth and families. Engagement in 4-H results in youth who are making positive decisions related to their health and their future goals. Further, they are advocates and leaders determined to leave a lasting impact on Nebraska communities.
In Cedar County, we are celebrating 4-H month through a variety of activities:
Feb: 1 (and through the month of February): Apply the Nebraska 4-H - ‘I Belong’ frame to your Facebook profile picture. You will find this Facebook frame on our Facebook page: ‘Nebraska Extension in Cedar County’.
Feb: 6: Cedar County 4-H Beef Weigh-In for youth enrolled in the market beef project, hosted by the Laurel Veterinary Clinic.
Feb: 17: 4-H Sewing Workshop
Feb: 20: Clover Kid Saturday `Color Explosion’
Feb: 21: 4-H Kick-off Party; Shotgun Shooting Sports Informational Meeting
Feb: 27: 4-H Workshop: ‘Make at the Merc’
Nebraska 4-H club membership is open to youth who are between 5-18 years of age as of Jan. 1, 2021. To join one of the 4-H clubs in Cedar County and participate in our 4-H events, enroll in 4-H at: https://extension.unl.edu/statewide/cedar/join-cedar-county-4-h/ or call our office: 402-254-6821.
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