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Cedar County Tourism Board approves grants

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HARTINGTON – The Cedar County Tourism Board met and reviewed applications for projects and events that will support Cedar County businesses and bring visitors to the area.

There were three newly funded applications for the fall 2022 grant cycle:

• The Cedar County Historical Museum was awarded $2,500 for a handicapped-accessible entry to the museum.

• Hartington Economic Development was awarded $465.57 for banners to be displayed to promote the Hartington Downtown Historic District.


• The Cedar County Theatre was awarded $1,000 to be used for advertising and promotional materials for the Ghost Walk.

March 31, 2023, is the next deadline for submitting funding requests to publicize events, or to improve physical structures that draw visitors to Cedar County. Grant applications and guidelines can be found online at the Cedar County website,, under the Lodging Tax Grant Application.

Entities can apply once each calendar year for up to $2,500 in Bricks and Mortar/Improvement and $1,000 in Advertising/Promotion/Publicity support. Grant requests should include estimates/bids related to the project or event. If funded, applicants must submit a project report to the CCTB, including documentation of expenses, and reports must be postmarked no later than 60 days after the date of the event that was supported or the date by which the brick-and-mortar project was completed. If funded organizations do not submit timely reports, they are not eligible for future funding.

Applications and reports should be mailed to the CCTB Chairperson, P.O. Box 141, Laurel, NE 68745, or emailed to Email is preferred. For more information, go to and click the links under “Lodging Tax Grant Application.” Send all questions to